Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Invention: The iPhone


The iPhone

Since the start of the iPhone it was continued to grow into the most used cellphone in the world. In it's early stages it provided more than any other smart phone could do, and because of that it caught the publics eye. Apple was able to make an easy to use super computer that can fit in your pocket, what person wouldn't want that? Not only was the invention itself impressive, but so was their marketing and ability to connect with society. 

The growth of the iPhone and the progress is both impressive and scary. It's truly impressive to see a company revolutionize the cellphone and making it what it is today. The scary part is how often they realize a new phone or update. 

This picture is an accurate rate of the progression of the iPhone. Each year a new phone is released to the public that makes it hard to constantly get their new product. As a company Apple targets a wealthier audience due to their ability to release new products that get more and more expensive. This concept of constant change makes it very difficult to keep getting the new iPhone. Whether its a marketing scheme to get as much money as possible or it's the fact that Apple can continue to innovate their product. 

I personally have been using an iPhone since high school in the year of 2014, and I don't see myself ever getting another type of phone. Apple has made it very clear that they are the best at what they do, and will continue to be the worlds dominant power of cellular devices. Maybe one day a company will be able to overcome their threshold and make a phone just as sleek, powerful, and easy to use as the iPhone. 

I have always given credit where credit is due, and the iPhone deserves all of the credit for the cellphone industry. They took the invention of the cell phone and mixed it with the capability of the computer. They are on top of the game, and will continue to produce products of this magnitude. 

American Conservative

 American Conservative 

This webpage is filled with current events, blogs, and other relative news articles that sway on the conservative side. I say it sways this way simply due to the type of stories it covers and not necessarily any biases. Websites like this are full of useful information and ways to understand current events with more detail. 

Some categories that stuck out to me were Foreign Affairs, Economy, and What is American Conservatism. With a wide variety of information and events this site is able to reach a large target base. Personally I'm not super involved in the Economy, but I am with Foreign Affairs and learning about Conservatism. This gives me the opportunity to learn more about the things I already enjoy and also pick up new talking points. 

This website talks about real and important foreign affairs that everyone in America should be aware of. Such as the Ukraine crisis and the continuation of our wars in Afghanistan. One article that stuck out to me was Crisis or Opportunity, which discuss some of the opportunities the U.S. could utilize with the Ukraine crisis. It discusses how president Biden can use this situation to build a relationship with the U.S. and Russia if he doesn't make any mistakes. Our country already made a wrong move by putting pressure on another world power, but that doesn't mean we can bounce back from this. 

Hopefully more people take foreign affairs seriously, and the only way we can do that is if we have more sources such as the American Conservative. They provide facts, opinions, and stories that allow the American people to build their own opinions without being told how to feel. The future of journalism is in jeopardy or fake news and stories that are relevant to the needs of the American people. 

It is up to this generation and the ones to follow to make journalism and news sources and safe place to receive valuable information. We as a society must be able to trust those in charge of our information to lead this country out of the propaganda and manipulative way of spreading information. Once that can be achieved then we will continue to grow as a society. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Carrier Pigeons

Carrier Pigeons


The Carrier Pigeon has been around since 1450 in Greece, this was the first time humans used birds to relay information from far distances. Since there are only a few records of this from 1450 it was hard to find a lot of details,  but it was stated that these pigeons were used to share news of conquest. 

In more recent times the Carrier Pigeons were used during both World Wars due to the stealth and effectiveness they had. It was stated by President Wilson that these pigeons were more reliable than the telegraph and telephone during times of war. Commanders were able to efficiently send commands to those on the front line. 

The specific pigeon used was called the Homing Pigeons and they worked so well due to a unique group of neurons that gave them the ability to find others of their species. The army would set up coops that would trigger an alarm or bell that would alert the troop that a message was delivered. 

The carrier pigeon worked very well and fast which made it crucial for the army during both World Wars. After WWII 32 pigeons received the Dickin Medal for their services. This medal honored animals that played a role in helping win the war. This was very unusual to me, but it makes sense due to the amount of help these pigeons gave the troops on the ground. 

Personally I’ve never been a fan of pigeons, but these specific pigeons served a purpose in human history. Now they are very absolute and quite annoying birds. In the past they served a purpose and for that I respect the way these birds were able to be trained to complete an important goal for humans. Their goal since they first went to use was to really information, and that is exactly what they did. It is very interesting to see how humans have used animals in the past to make their tasks easier. In my mind this is a technological advancement that is deemed to be very beneficial to the human race. 

Maybe one day technology will become ineffective and humans will have to resort back to the old ways. In slight chances of this ever happening it will be good to remember the effectiveness carrier pigeons once had. They played an important part in the rapid increase in getting information out fast, and for that the human race should be forever grateful.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Age of A.I.

Age of A.I

In today's society we see more and more technological advancements every day. Over the past couple of years it became apparent to the world that artificial intelligence is the next step in the world of technology. 

Some examples I’ve noticed are from Forbes and these examples are anything from Quantum Computing which is a computer that can basically think for itself to companies like Tesla that have cars that can drive themselves. These examples are intriguing to me, but also make me question the route we are taking as a society.

Things are getting easier to do and it is changing the way younger generations are thinking. Since the beginning of civilization we have evolved to and created things to become naturally easier for humans to do. I hope that we as humans continue to make artificial intelligence, but make sure that we will always have control over this technology. My concerns are merely hypothetical problems, but we as a society should always plan for the worst.

Monday, April 5, 2021




On March 24, 2021 at approximately 4:28 am, SpaceX launched 60 Starlink satellites. This was a crucial step for this company and was the sixth launch and landing of this Falcon 9 first stage booster. Elon Musk and his team are in the process of doing a lot with SpaceX including setting up internet for the entire world, manned missions to mars, and working towards further intergalactic travel. On their website you can learn a lot about the missions they've completed and upcoming events that are planned. What a time to be alive as we can witness humanity travel further away from Earth, and make extraordinary discoveries. 

Launch I also attached their most recent launch video that is an hour long. It shows you the true innovation that SpaceX has been making. This video displays amazing shots from the launch and provides more information about this companies agenda. If you are still curious or have more questions about SpaceX after reading this I would highly recommend taking the time to look through the website I have linked.

Another fascinating source about this topic comes from a Joe Rogan podcast: JRE/Elon During the podcast you will learn a lot more about the plans/goals for SpaceX, and get a time frame in which they want these goals completed by. I find it very interesting to follow the most  recent launches conducted by SpaceX and if this is new information to you, and your curious to what's next? I recommend searching all of the links I have cited so you can fully grasp the ideas and values of SpaceX. 

My Relationship with Technology

  Healthy Relationship with Technology There must be a balance between humans and technology. I personally feel as if I balance my use with ...