Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Invention: The iPhone


The iPhone

Since the start of the iPhone it was continued to grow into the most used cellphone in the world. In it's early stages it provided more than any other smart phone could do, and because of that it caught the publics eye. Apple was able to make an easy to use super computer that can fit in your pocket, what person wouldn't want that? Not only was the invention itself impressive, but so was their marketing and ability to connect with society. 

The growth of the iPhone and the progress is both impressive and scary. It's truly impressive to see a company revolutionize the cellphone and making it what it is today. The scary part is how often they realize a new phone or update. 

This picture is an accurate rate of the progression of the iPhone. Each year a new phone is released to the public that makes it hard to constantly get their new product. As a company Apple targets a wealthier audience due to their ability to release new products that get more and more expensive. This concept of constant change makes it very difficult to keep getting the new iPhone. Whether its a marketing scheme to get as much money as possible or it's the fact that Apple can continue to innovate their product. 

I personally have been using an iPhone since high school in the year of 2014, and I don't see myself ever getting another type of phone. Apple has made it very clear that they are the best at what they do, and will continue to be the worlds dominant power of cellular devices. Maybe one day a company will be able to overcome their threshold and make a phone just as sleek, powerful, and easy to use as the iPhone. 

I have always given credit where credit is due, and the iPhone deserves all of the credit for the cellphone industry. They took the invention of the cell phone and mixed it with the capability of the computer. They are on top of the game, and will continue to produce products of this magnitude. 

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