Wednesday, April 28, 2021

American Conservative

 American Conservative 

This webpage is filled with current events, blogs, and other relative news articles that sway on the conservative side. I say it sways this way simply due to the type of stories it covers and not necessarily any biases. Websites like this are full of useful information and ways to understand current events with more detail. 

Some categories that stuck out to me were Foreign Affairs, Economy, and What is American Conservatism. With a wide variety of information and events this site is able to reach a large target base. Personally I'm not super involved in the Economy, but I am with Foreign Affairs and learning about Conservatism. This gives me the opportunity to learn more about the things I already enjoy and also pick up new talking points. 

This website talks about real and important foreign affairs that everyone in America should be aware of. Such as the Ukraine crisis and the continuation of our wars in Afghanistan. One article that stuck out to me was Crisis or Opportunity, which discuss some of the opportunities the U.S. could utilize with the Ukraine crisis. It discusses how president Biden can use this situation to build a relationship with the U.S. and Russia if he doesn't make any mistakes. Our country already made a wrong move by putting pressure on another world power, but that doesn't mean we can bounce back from this. 

Hopefully more people take foreign affairs seriously, and the only way we can do that is if we have more sources such as the American Conservative. They provide facts, opinions, and stories that allow the American people to build their own opinions without being told how to feel. The future of journalism is in jeopardy or fake news and stories that are relevant to the needs of the American people. 

It is up to this generation and the ones to follow to make journalism and news sources and safe place to receive valuable information. We as a society must be able to trust those in charge of our information to lead this country out of the propaganda and manipulative way of spreading information. Once that can be achieved then we will continue to grow as a society. 

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