Monday, May 3, 2021

My Relationship with Technology


Healthy Relationship with Technology

There must be a balance between humans and technology. I personally feel as if I balance my use with technology and inter personal time pretty well. In todays society it is a necessity to stay up with the latest technology advancements to be an active member of society. For instance, I'm engaged on social media as well as other forms of technology that allow me to stay engaged with the times. I personally average 3 hours and 50 minutes a day on my phone. Whether it's Snapchat, messaging, Instagram, or email I use about a third of my time awake a day on my phone. 

What is the point of technology if we can't incorporate it into our day to day lives. Is there a breaking point where technology starts to consume our time awake? In my opinion I've seen individuals become over consumed with their technology, such as constant time playing video games, clued to their phone, or choosing technology over their friends.

Mad World

In this video it depicts a way our society has become. The cruel way people have become due to their consumption with social media, and the lack of care for people in the real world. It can drive people crazy, but is this video a bit extreme. It definitely wasn't created to be 100% accurate, but it gives a perspective that will get people to open their eyes. My eyes were definitely open after watching this video due to the message it gave to the audience. Since I was born into a world of technological advancements everyday it became imperative that I was able to find this balance early. For some this wasn't easy, and they found more fun being on their phone then being interactive with people.

I've asked myself "Is my social media different then who I am"? My answer was no due to the fact that I'm not super engaged or mind what I post. A lot of my peers are super sucked in to their social media image without finding out who they truly are. This isn't an easy question to answer, but if you are honest with yourself then you will be able to make the necessary changes for you media lifestyle.

Personally social media has changed the way we view our society. Everyone can stay up to date and catch up with friends and family no matter their physical location. Is our world really using these resources the wrong way? Do the people really not care about anything physical? I don't think so; if anything social media pushed people to strive to be better or even get encouragement. I realize that everyone isn't the same and their experiences aren't either, but what do we need to do as a society to make social media and technology more healthy. 

In recent years I have seen how my generation has been handling social media, and it hasn't been that alarming. Obviously I almost only seeing my close followers because thats how social media works. You usually won't witness other peoples feeds or activity because you don't know them. Is that a good thing? I think so because it limits the amount you are exposed to online. 

 A healthy relationship with technology includes the mindset that more important things are in real life. Having the ability to use the internet to engage with our friends and family is extremely important. A lot of my technology use has gone towards communication, entertainment, and expanding knowledge. Technology has shaped our society into a more advanced way of life, and if their are bumps in the road then it's up to we as the people to figure out what is truly important. Social media is there to meet and interact with other people. I have bad encounters with people digitally and in person. Don't be mad at technology for giving us opportunities, but hold those accountable who use technology to hurt other people. 

This class has allowed me to think deeper about my technology use and start to form a stronger opinion on technology that is everywhere around us. Technology and social media aren't going anywhere, and they will be apart of this society for as long as time can tell. Let's grow together and help shape technology to be the best it possibly can be.

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My Relationship with Technology

  Healthy Relationship with Technology There must be a balance between humans and technology. I personally feel as if I balance my use with ...