Monday, April 5, 2021




On March 24, 2021 at approximately 4:28 am, SpaceX launched 60 Starlink satellites. This was a crucial step for this company and was the sixth launch and landing of this Falcon 9 first stage booster. Elon Musk and his team are in the process of doing a lot with SpaceX including setting up internet for the entire world, manned missions to mars, and working towards further intergalactic travel. On their website you can learn a lot about the missions they've completed and upcoming events that are planned. What a time to be alive as we can witness humanity travel further away from Earth, and make extraordinary discoveries. 

Launch I also attached their most recent launch video that is an hour long. It shows you the true innovation that SpaceX has been making. This video displays amazing shots from the launch and provides more information about this companies agenda. If you are still curious or have more questions about SpaceX after reading this I would highly recommend taking the time to look through the website I have linked.

Another fascinating source about this topic comes from a Joe Rogan podcast: JRE/Elon During the podcast you will learn a lot more about the plans/goals for SpaceX, and get a time frame in which they want these goals completed by. I find it very interesting to follow the most  recent launches conducted by SpaceX and if this is new information to you, and your curious to what's next? I recommend searching all of the links I have cited so you can fully grasp the ideas and values of SpaceX. 

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