Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Free Expression in America


Free Expression

The eight values of free expression is something that I take very seriously and hope that others do as well. While growing up I’ve always appreciated my ability to have individual self-fulfillment and the peoples chance to check on governmental power. What better way to express that you're an American then creating your own identity and questioning the acts of the people in charge.  The way we can check on our government is due to the freedom of press and assembly. These freedoms allow us to learn if there is an abuse of power and then take action. I personally have tried to stay up to date on politics in recent years, and I do this because I want to learn as much as I can about our government. While checking on government powers is important it wouldn’t be possible without individual self-fulfillment. We are all able to decide what makes us who we are, and then decide what matters to us. I honor this value so much, and will do everything I can to help explain the importance of this to those that mean a lot to me. Some other values that I believe to have a significant effect on our country are: stable change, participation in self-government, and promoting innovation. These definitely stick out to me, and I personally use them in my daily life. Learning the importance of these values will teach you a lot more about how you can act in this country, and the rights that you were born with. In a country that is constantly growing in ways of technology, rights, and other social movements it is very important to know the value of free expression. 

In my opinion this subject is as well known as it should be for the younger audience, and that should change. We need more youth in this country to understand our rights so there can be positive change. I’ve always believed people grow stronger when working together, and with these values we can learn exactly how to do that. I have learned to understand the importance of being able to express yourself, and I have made it a goal of mine to encourage others to share this same understanding. Free expression is apart of every American; so why not learn our rights and grow from them. In recent times our definition of free expression in America has changed. 

With the influence of social media it is very easy to speak ones mind and to be heard by other people, but the company's that own these media platforms seem to be the ones that have all the power. I hope that we as a country can go back to a way of true free expression for the people of America. The best way to do this is to inform the public of the eight values of expression, and differ from an ignorant way of thinking.

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