Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court

Personally I was unaware of the details that go along with the duties of the Supreme Court. I definitely was aware of the level of severity, the ranking within the government, and how important it is, but there was a lot to learn. In specific, some of their main functions are to guard our Constitution while also interpreting it. While a lot of cases may have some similarity it is the job of the Supreme Court to figure out the specifics behind each case. Those elected must safeguard liberty, preserve the union, and uphold the rule of law to protect the people of America. One thing that surprised me was the amount of cases the Supreme Court receives, with about a hundred new cases each week and roughly 7,000 yearly. 

This goes to show the workload these justices have to uphold the rights of the people. Out of all of the cases they receive a year only about a hundred are accepted to be ruled in the Supreme Court. Within these cases each Justice does their own work to decide whether the lower court did the proper work, and use the laws as they were created. This was definitely something that stuck out to me, and showed me exactly how cases ended up in the Supreme Court. Overall this video allowed me to interpret my own opinion on the Supreme Court which was beneficial to my overall understanding of how it works. I gained a lot of respect for those who serve as Justices, and I now realize the importance of these individuals more than I did before. Without the Supreme Court the people of this country could receive injustices and flasfied interpretations of our Constitution. For that I am forever grateful for our judicial system, and hope that more American citizens can realize this same thing for themselves.

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