Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Age of A.I.

Age of A.I

In today's society we see more and more technological advancements every day. Over the past couple of years it became apparent to the world that artificial intelligence is the next step in the world of technology. 

Some examples I’ve noticed are from Forbes and these examples are anything from Quantum Computing which is a computer that can basically think for itself to companies like Tesla that have cars that can drive themselves. These examples are intriguing to me, but also make me question the route we are taking as a society.

Things are getting easier to do and it is changing the way younger generations are thinking. Since the beginning of civilization we have evolved to and created things to become naturally easier for humans to do. I hope that we as humans continue to make artificial intelligence, but make sure that we will always have control over this technology. My concerns are merely hypothetical problems, but we as a society should always plan for the worst.

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