Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Free Expression in America


Free Expression

The eight values of free expression is something that I take very seriously and hope that others do as well. While growing up I’ve always appreciated my ability to have individual self-fulfillment and the peoples chance to check on governmental power. What better way to express that you're an American then creating your own identity and questioning the acts of the people in charge.  The way we can check on our government is due to the freedom of press and assembly. These freedoms allow us to learn if there is an abuse of power and then take action. I personally have tried to stay up to date on politics in recent years, and I do this because I want to learn as much as I can about our government. While checking on government powers is important it wouldn’t be possible without individual self-fulfillment. We are all able to decide what makes us who we are, and then decide what matters to us. I honor this value so much, and will do everything I can to help explain the importance of this to those that mean a lot to me. Some other values that I believe to have a significant effect on our country are: stable change, participation in self-government, and promoting innovation. These definitely stick out to me, and I personally use them in my daily life. Learning the importance of these values will teach you a lot more about how you can act in this country, and the rights that you were born with. In a country that is constantly growing in ways of technology, rights, and other social movements it is very important to know the value of free expression. 

In my opinion this subject is as well known as it should be for the younger audience, and that should change. We need more youth in this country to understand our rights so there can be positive change. I’ve always believed people grow stronger when working together, and with these values we can learn exactly how to do that. I have learned to understand the importance of being able to express yourself, and I have made it a goal of mine to encourage others to share this same understanding. Free expression is apart of every American; so why not learn our rights and grow from them. In recent times our definition of free expression in America has changed. 

With the influence of social media it is very easy to speak ones mind and to be heard by other people, but the company's that own these media platforms seem to be the ones that have all the power. I hope that we as a country can go back to a way of true free expression for the people of America. The best way to do this is to inform the public of the eight values of expression, and differ from an ignorant way of thinking.

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court

Personally I was unaware of the details that go along with the duties of the Supreme Court. I definitely was aware of the level of severity, the ranking within the government, and how important it is, but there was a lot to learn. In specific, some of their main functions are to guard our Constitution while also interpreting it. While a lot of cases may have some similarity it is the job of the Supreme Court to figure out the specifics behind each case. Those elected must safeguard liberty, preserve the union, and uphold the rule of law to protect the people of America. One thing that surprised me was the amount of cases the Supreme Court receives, with about a hundred new cases each week and roughly 7,000 yearly. 

This goes to show the workload these justices have to uphold the rights of the people. Out of all of the cases they receive a year only about a hundred are accepted to be ruled in the Supreme Court. Within these cases each Justice does their own work to decide whether the lower court did the proper work, and use the laws as they were created. This was definitely something that stuck out to me, and showed me exactly how cases ended up in the Supreme Court. Overall this video allowed me to interpret my own opinion on the Supreme Court which was beneficial to my overall understanding of how it works. I gained a lot of respect for those who serve as Justices, and I now realize the importance of these individuals more than I did before. Without the Supreme Court the people of this country could receive injustices and flasfied interpretations of our Constitution. For that I am forever grateful for our judicial system, and hope that more American citizens can realize this same thing for themselves.

Monday, March 22, 2021

5 Insights of Mine

The Joe Rogan Experience - Wikipedia

The Joe Rogan Experience

 For about three years now I've been listening to Joe Rogans podcast. At first I used it as a source of entertainment because of the interesting and funny topics he talked about. Over time I started to realize that the people he was bringing onto this podcast were very smart and renowned individuals who talked about current events, issues with our government, and gave insight on their experiences. Specific episodes with Elon Musk, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Tulsi Gabbard, Edward Snowden, and many other spectacular guests. Joe's podcast has grown so much since it was first founded in 2009, and he continues to give his audience what they want. Besides the guests that attend the podcast, Joe himself is someone who loves to dig deeper into conversations and ideas, and his constantly checking his statements. There is nothing else that is as entertaining, thought provoking, and as genuine as The Joe Rogan Experience. I  highly recommend going onto Spotify and listen to an episode the next time your on a long car ride. You'll be amazed about the people that come onto the show and the amount of things you can learn. This isn't in any means my main source for news simply because it doesn't focus on only current events. This podcast is a way for people to expand their knowledge on things they might never thought existed and getting an experience like no other. 

Fox reaches $90M settlement in claim tied to sexual harassment scandals |  FierceVideo

Fox News

When watching the news on TV, following live events, and researching topics about politics I look to Fox News Channel. This past election this was one of the only sources that I got my information. This source doesn't cover that many world events or updates on what's going on in your local area, but it is a great place to hear experts talk about our government. There are biases in almost all news channels, but if you are interested in hearing conservative talk points then Fox News is for you. Recently this has been my main source for tracking what our government is doing, and updates on policies. Fox doesn't receive attention from outside social media platforms so their following is mostly based of off people who truly agree with their information. For that reason I have fact checked a lot of things that comes from Fox and they haven't disappointed. 

The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel is my main source of tracking the weather. For those who like to be informed and plan ahead this source is very accurate and gives people a sense of knowledge. You can also download the app incase you need information while your on the go. They provided local and national radars, with daily updates, and emergency weather alerts. For those in need of a good source of weather information The Weather Channel is the way to go. This is the only source is use for checking the weather, and it has been accurate to this date. There isn't another weather platform with as advanced technology and hard working team.



In recent times it has been hard for people to get reliable information due to fake news, biases, and the overall split in our nations government. If you are someone who is more neutral on politics or cares about hearing both sides to an argument then using multiple news sources is a great idea. CNN is fast acting news channel and website that talks about current events, politics, and issues that arise in our country. For me personally I usually double or triple check things that pertain to politics due to my own personal beliefs. CNN has always done a fantastic job of getting information out fast and efficiently, and because of that I use them as one of my primary information sources. 


Personally I'm a fan of a variety of different sports and many athletes that play these sports. Almost every season I'm involved in a teams season, and what better source than ESPN. Not only to they constantly report live scores, but they always have talk shows with famous athletes and sports analysts. ESPN is a great source for sports information, entertainment, live updates, and everything you need to know about the world of sports. They've grown so much recently that they have multiple channels, there own subscription service, and constantly hiring retired athletes to be on the shows. I would be lost without ESPN, and if you are someone who shares this same passion for sports; theres no place better than ESPN.

My Relationship with Technology

  Healthy Relationship with Technology There must be a balance between humans and technology. I personally feel as if I balance my use with ...