Monday, May 3, 2021




The definition of propaganda is communication used to influence an audience and further an agenda. Propaganda is often used during war and politics to sway people to believe something whether it's true or not. It was very common during WWII when nations tried to influence their people to either fight for the army or start following a specific agenda. Most of the time it was hard to decide if these messages we true due to the lack of technology and limited resources on the matter. 

In todays time there are a lot more sources of information to fact check which makes propaganda a lot harder to falsify. That is why most of the propaganda examples come from the past. In society we can become miss leaded by a false source, but once the truth is uncovered we can get the right information a lot faster and more efficiently. 

This image pictured below is a famous piece of propaganda used to get U.S. citizens to fight for the army. When this was made the United States has entered the second World War and needed all the help they could get. This image was made to influence those to fight for their country, and what better way then to have Uncle Sam look you in the eye and say "I Want You".

We Want You

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